April 2015 Members’ Exclusive

April 29, 2015

Hello subscribers! It’s that time again, new member videos for you to watch. This time, we are going to cover hiding status updates, attaching files to messages, the new connections filter and rearranging profile sections for emphasis.

1. Hiding Status Updates – 1:09

We always see status updates with silly puzzles or charts, or simply things that we are not interested in. This tip will cover how to hide status updates so that you can get the most value of the feed on your home screen.

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2. Attaching Files to Messages – 1:36

We have been waiting for this update for a long time. Its not quite perfect, but definitely worth knowing. In this video, you will learn how to attach files to your messages.

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3. New Connections Filter – 2:03

When you are adding new connections consistently (which you should be doing), one of the techniques I often emphasize to people is to send a thank you note to those new connections and consider offering something to them. This tip shows you how to filter new connections so you can interact with them more efficiently and make sure none slip through the cracks.

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4. Rearranging Profile Sections for Emphasis – 2:49

This LinkedIn tip is about moving profile sections around to make your profile more effective in emphasizing the sections that you want to highlight when someone views you.

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