June 2015 Members Exclusive

July 6, 2015

Another month means more members videos for you. This month we cover a new rule on messaging group members, a new webinar I did with American Family Insurance on LinkedIn referrals, an effective technique for getting a prospects attention, the results of my annual LinkedIn survey, and a great hangout by Jill Konrath. Enjoy!

1. New Group Member Messaging Limitation

One of the hot topics in the last month has been that LinkedIn has begun limiting the number of messages that you can send to other members in groups to 15. In this video, I review what that means for you.

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2. AmFam LinkedIn Referral Webinar

I recently did a webinar with American Family Insurance’s Business Accelerator on building your LinkedIn referral machine. You can check out the webinar here: https://www.amfambusinessaccelerator.com/events

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3. Effective LinkedIn Attention Getting Feature

Ever wondered how to get the attention of a prospect (or anyone else you want to get the attention of) on LinkedIn. In this tip, I cover a very simple method for making this happen.

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4. LinkedIn User Survey Infographic Insights

Every year, I do a LinkedIn user survey to get a profile of what features and behaviors are most popular on LinkedIn. In this tip, I review where to find the survey as well as access the recent articles I have written about the results.

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5. Jill Konrath Social Hangout

I often like to share resources from other experts in the social media space, including that of Jill Konrath. She recently did a Hangout that I think you will really benefit from viewing. Check it out here: http://www.jillkonrath.com/sales-blog/socialhangout-sales-queen-talks-industry-change?utm_content=bufferdb28e&utm_medium=social&utm_source=linkedin.com&utm_campaign=buffer

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