LinkedIn continues to roll out the new desktop user interface, and you’re undoubtedly finding things you love and hate about the changes.
I’ve found a new feature that is sure to help you become more efficient and effective on LinkedIn. It’s the Notifications tab.
Great information in the Notifications Tab
You’ll find a treasure trove of useful information here. Simply click the Notifications tab on your top toolbar, and LinkedIn will give you not only critical information about your connections, but it will give you a heads up about who is acting on your LinkedIn activities.
These are the types of notifications you get:
- Who’s viewed your profile
- Likes and comments on network updates about you
. - Activity of your shares, posts, and re-shares, including the ones you’ve been mentioned in
. - Activity on any content that you’ve interacted with in your LinkedIn Groups
. - Views on your profile and endorsements from your connections
. - Updates on your network such as job changes, birthdays, and work anniversaries
. - Any new followers
What to do with the Notifications Tab information
LinkedIn gives you suggested next steps of activity based on the type of notification, like “say congrats,” “say happy birthday,” “say thanks,” etc. However, if you think interacting with the person could lead to an opportunity for you, then write a personal message, send an email, or make a phone call to him/her.
Remember—the person is probably getting the standard LinkedIn-prompted response from lots of other folks, and although that’s a nice gesture, you have an opportunity to nurture the relationship in a much more meaningful way.
This new feature on LinkedIn is precisely one of the reasons we joined a site like LinkedIn in the first place—to keep track of what’s going on with people in our network.
So, I strongly encourage you to budget some time daily (about five minutes) to stay on top of this important, time-sensitive information and interact, reach out, and get in front of the people in order to take your relationships to the next level.
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