Welcome to Wayne’s Linkedin Tips & Helps Vol #1.

 I see many of you have really taken off adding connections and improving your profile since you attended the Linkedin Speed Training or heard me present at another Linkedin event.  This effort will serve you well in increasing your reach and message for the branding and marketing you are spending time and effort on. 

 Each week I will attempt to bring a few things to your attention that will either reinforce some of the things we talked about or something “brand new” as relates to your adding connections, improving your profile or general linkedin efficiency.  Let’s get started, here are this week’s helps:

 Profile Tip–

 Did you finish your profile to 100% complete so you are 40 time more effective on Linkedin, remember, why do it unless you are the most effective you can be?

If not here are some of the things you need to do:

-Entering current position

-Filling in two past positions

-Providing your education history (The more you list the more searching you can        do automatically)

-Adding your profile summary (Remember the key words are soooooooooo important for searching effectiveness)

-Upload a profile photo (Do you want people to remember you from the event last night?)

-Give and receive recommendations.  (Want to feel good about yourself, recommend a few people–right now!)

 Connection Tip–

 Did you download the Linkedin Outlook Toolbar?  Do this by clicking the link at the bottom of the Linkedin Home page and follow instructions, else click on thecomputeradmin.com link.

 Wildcard Tip or Question–

 Have you formulated a strategy? 

Why are you on Linkedin? 

What are you looking to achieve? 

Who are your customers and what would their profile look for?

 Also, if you haven’t “sat in on” a FREE Webinar from Jan Vermeiren, Author of “How to REALLY use Linkedin” yet you NEED to.  As you probably already know I am always “gobbing” about his book and am quite sure it is best one written so far for advanced Linkedin tips and strategies and his Webinar is well worth the 75 minutes.  The date of his next session is Tuesday Aug 25 from 2:30-3:45pm Central Time.  Register at: http://www.networking-coach.com/en-agenda.html.  If this link doesn’t work just cut and paste it into your web browser.