Welcome Back Everyone

This market is starting to get better.  Hope you can see that in your area, people are starting to look at the glass as “half full”, so be sure to attend as many networking events as you can fit in and use Linkedin as a way to follow up with the “potential trusted connections” that you think you could help or that could help you accomplish your goals for the rest of 2009.  If you have been working this hard since your training in you should be approaching or exceeding that 100 mark for connections, if not have you really made the commitment to use Linkedin as an important part of your branding and marketing efforts? Remember don’t waste time on doing anything like this halfway.  If this isn’t the tool find another that you will work on with diligence.  Enough of the soapbox here are your tips for the week:
Profile Tips–
The Experience section isn’t just for paid full-time employment.  You can add position information for any contract work, non-profit assignments, or other valid work experience you did that added to your skill set.  If you’ve written a book, maintain a blog, or have a regular magazine column, you might want to list that as a separate position.
If you have most of the information that Linkedin asks for a given position but you’re missing a few details in the description, go ahead and add whatever you’ve got.  (You must provide a job title, company, and time period to save the position in your profile.)  You can always come back later and fill in any missing information.  In addition, if you make your profile public (as public view), then make sure any position information you enter is something you don’t mind the whole world-including past employers-seeing on your profile.
Connection Tips–
Have you gone through all you business cards for potential contacts and search for them on Linkedin?
Have you searched all your 1st degree network connections?
Have you reviewed “People You May Already Know” on the top right hand side of your homepage?
Have you looked throught the membership of groups you are a member?
Consider joining one of the popular networking groups in the Milwaukee area like “Link Up Milwaukee” or “MKE Live”  adn follow the discussion this week and check the membership list out.
Wildcard Tip or Question–
When you attend networking events be bold and ask about Linkedin usage and before you know it you will draw a crowd and also consider having a few “neophytes” over to your office for some training or better yet invite them to my next session, you will be a person adding value to their networking lives. 
Miscellaneous News and Notes–


Here is my upcoming schedule for teaching/speaking so you can share with other friends, relatives and business associates, JobSeeker events are noted accordingly, you can contact the venue directly for more information and registration other than the events noted as “Open” which in that case they can contact me directly


Linkedin Speed Training

Wed Sept 2-Open Linkedin Speed Training at M&M Office Interiors 7:30am-9am-SOLD OUT

Thurs Sept 3-Menomonee Falls/Butler Chamber of Commerce; Davians 11:30am-1pm

Tues Sept 15-St. Paul’s Lutheran Business Builders-Muskego 7:00-9:00am

Sat Sept 19-Open Linkedin Speed Training at M&M Office Interiors 9:00am-10:30am

Mon Sept 21-Racine Workforce Development Center 9-10:30am (Job Seeker)

Mon Sept 21-Linkedin Speed Training; Oakwood Church; Hartland; Evening

Tues Sept 22-Metropolitan Builders Association; MBA Offices 8:00am-10am

Tues Sept 22-Mequon Thiensville Rotary; Ozaukee Country Club; noon

Wed Sept 23-SBDC Social Media Event; Wash County Public Agcy Center; West Bend 6:30pm

Thurs Sept 24-WICPA Fall Ind. Conf.; Country Springs Hotel; Final workshop 4:15pm-5:15pm

Thurs Oct 8-Open Linkedin Speed Training at M&M Office Interiors 7:30am-9am

Tues Oct 13-UW-Oshkosh Student Session 4-5:30pm; Alumni Session 6:30-8pm

Wed Oct 14-Securx Open House Afternoon Sessions on Beginning & Advanced Linkedin

Fri Oct 23-UW-Whitewater Finance & Bus Law Alumni “How to Use Linkedin” 10:30am-noon

Mon Oct 26-Open Linkedin Speed Training at M&M Office Interiors 7:30-9:00am


Leveraging Your Linkedin Network-Advanced Linkedin Speed Training

Thus Sept 17-Ozaukee County Chambers–Rose Harms Legion Post-Grafton 3:30pm-6:00pm

Thurs Oct 15-West Suburban Chamber, their office 8:00am-9:30am

Mon Nov 16-Metropolitan Builders Association-their office 8:00am-9:30am

Mon Nov 16-Lake Country Chamber & WCTC-at WCTC 5:00pm-8:30pm 

Have fun finding friends from your past on Linkedin this week, you just never know what they are doing now that could help you!
