Are you connected to some of the most connected people
in your geographic market? You might be wondering why you should care about this and, even if you do care, how you would go about finding out which people in your market are actually connected to the most people.
Why Should You Care
When you do a search on LinkedIn, the number of results with viewable profiles (unless you are on a paid account) is a direct result of the number of first-level connections you have, how well connected they are, and how many people are members of groups that you also belong to. So, based on this, you should want to be connected to well-connected people.
I am not suggesting we all become LIONs (LinkedIn Open Networkers), those people who declare they will connect with anyone on LinkedIn. As you know, I am a staunch believer in quality over quantity. Your network should consist of people you consider to be trusted professionals. What I am suggesting is that you make sure you are connected to all of the well-connected people in your market who meet your definition of “trusted professional.”
How to Find the Most Connected People
Follow these steps to identify the people in your market who are extremely well connected: .
You can do this re-sorting technique for any Advanced Search you have completed. Think of the possibilities. Look for the most connected people in your industry, a company, your college, etc. The list goes on and on…
For a step-by-step tutorial on how to perform an Advanced People Search on LinkedIn, download my free resource called “LinkedIn People Searching – Your ticket to improved ROI.”
Thanks for tip. I’m going to do this right now!