This past week quite a few people were 

hidden faces photo upgraded to the new and improved LinkedIn profile. It sounds like everyone will have the new profile by year end.

My inbox suggests there are lots of concerns (I lost all my applications!) and questions (What should I do differently in light of the new profile?).

I will do my best to address those concerns and questions in the coming weeks–after I have some time to digest what’s there and formulate some strategies to help you take full advantage of all this potential.

For my local followers, I will be having a special live event, Crush It In 2013 With the Help of Your New LinkedIn Profile, on January 22 in Pewaukee, Wisconsin to share my can’t-miss new profile strategies. Space is limited, so register early. This one will probably sell out.

In the meantime, I’d like to address an equally important strategy, and that is deciding who should be in your network:

Is it better to have an enormous LinkedIn network that includes hordes of strangers or a smaller but tight-knit network of people you know and trust?

After all, this is the starting point for everything you do on LinkedIn. But whatever the current state of your connection strategy–nonexistent, incomplete or clearly defined–you need to be aware of the advantages and dangers of your decision. 


Download my article The LinkedIn Connections Conundrum: Who Should Be In Your Network? and find out:

  • The benefits and dangers of each approach
  • What other people are doing and why
  • Why you may change your strategy in the future


Get your strategy in place, and be on your way to growing a powerful network that will provide new opportunities you can turn into revenue.