How cool would it be if you steve top box could write notes right on someone’s LinkedIn profile?

Only you could see the information. It would be like your personal cheat sheet–what’s her personal assistant’s name, where did you meet him, etc.

Well, you can, and it’s easy to do. Just use the “Add Contact Information” feature. 

To access the feature, click “Contact Info” (1) on any 1st level connection’s profile and then click “add” (2).  

Choose from the available fields or create your own. Whatever you include will be strictly confidential–for your eyes only. 

Here’s a few ideas of steve van contact info information you might like to include: 

  • Where you met
  • Spouse’s name
  • Kids’ names and colleges
  • Products they usually purchase
  • Names of decision makers at their company 
  • Golf Handicap
  • Birthday
  • Favorite wine, restaurant, music, sports, sports teams, vacation spots, charitable organizations, etc.
  • Who introduced you to them
  • Topics of conversation to avoid

Save a tree. Make your notes right on your friend’s LinkedIn profile instead of on a scrap of paper that may get lost anyway!