Welcome Back Everyone

I hope this note finds you with you having had a great week of networking and adding connections.  If you check your network statistics each week you will definately feel better about the efforts you are putting in.  I heard several great success stories this week about how people are making connections that are leading to actual business and several others landing interviews by using Linkedin.  Keep the stories coming.
Here are your tips for this week:
Profile Tips–
You should be sure to use the first person (“I”) to describe yourself and not the third person (“he” or “she”)
Have you used words to descibe the results of your work instead of just listing your function?
Previous jobs:  Have you given a description of which projects you did or which results you achieved in each previous job?
Have you written down 5 personal interests?
Have you filled in the 3 websites?  And given them a specific name..Not “My Company”, jazz it up abit.
Connection Tips–
How many questions of comments have you posted in any Alumni Group you are in?
Have you listed all your previous employement and searched them specifically?
How many times have you used “status update” (or what are you doing now”) since you joined, get going on this.
How many recommendations have you written since you joined, remember my story about how to have a great Monday am?
Wildcard Tip or Question–
Try one of the Applications like Slide Share, or Box Net or Amazon Book List.  Not only are you making available more pictures, powerpoints, pdfs, excel docs and word docs you are also making your self much more interesting than those people who do not use these powerful tools.  They are a way to differentiate yourself in a world when that just may make the difference of getting the sale or the job.  Also remember whenever you post something on your profile like an application change you are announcing that to your entire #1 connections, so why wait!

If you haven’t “sat in on” a FREE Webinar from Jan Vermeiren, Author of “How to REALLY use Linkedin” yet you NEED to.  As you probably already know I am always “gobbing” about his book and am quite sure it is best one written so far for advanced Linkedin tips and strategies and his Webinar is well worth the 75 minutes.  The date of his next session is Tuesday Aug 25 from 2:30-3:45pm Central Time.  Register at: http://www.networking-coach.com/en-agenda.html.  If this link doesn’t work just cut and paste it into your web browser.
Miscellaneous News and Notes–

Here is my upcoming schedule for teaching/speaking so you can share with other friends, relatives and business associates, JobSeeker events are noted accordingly, you can contact the venue directly for more information and registration other than the events noted as “Open” which in that case they can contact me directly

Linkedin Speed Training 

Wed Sept 2-Open Linkedin Speed Training at M&M Office Interiors 7:30am-9am

Thurs Sept 3-Menomonee Falls/Butler Chamber of Commerce; Davians 11:30am-1pm

Sat Sept 19-Open Linkedin Speed Training at M&M Office Interiors 9:00am-10:30am

Monday Sept 21-Linkedin Speed Training;  Oakwood Church; Hartland; Evening

Tues Sept 22-Metropolitan Builders Association; MBA Offices 8:00am-10am

Tues Sept 22-Mequon Thiensville Rotary; Ozaukee Country Club; noon

Wed Sept 23-SBDC Linkedin Event; Washington County Public Agency Center; West Bend 6:30pm

Thurs Sept 24-WICPA Fall Industry Conference; Country Springs Hotel; Final workshop 4:15pm-5:15pm

Thurs Oct 8-Open Linkedin Speed Training at M&M Office Interiors 7:30am-9am

Tues Oct 13-UW-Oshkosh Student Session 4-5:30pm; Alumni Session 6:30-8pm

Fri Oct 23-UW-Whitewater Finance & Bus Law Alumni “How to Use Linkedin” 10:30am-noon


Leveraging Your Linkedin Network-Advanced Linkedin Speed Training

Thus Sept 17-Ozaukee County Chambers–Rose Harms Legion Post-Grafton 3:30pm-6:00pm

Thurs Oct 15-West Suburban Chamber–Location to be determined: 8:00am-9:30am

Mon Nov 16-Metropolitan Builders Association-their offices 8:00am-9:30am

Mon Nov 16-Lake Country Chamber & WCTC-at WCTC 5:00pm-8:30pm

Hope you meet a person you connected with on Linkedin this week and make a “real” connection, they are the very best!
