HELP!  Jobcamp3 is looking for over 200 volunteers to pitch in on Feb 25 for all or part of the day.  This is where your experience on LinkedIn can help those searching for a job in this tough environment.  They need volunteers with all types of skills, including setting up LinkedIn accounts and reviewing LinkedIn profiles.  You can do it!  Contact them at:   For more information, check out


FINAL REMINDER:  This Wednesday I am teaching my Intermediate LinkedIn Power Formula class from 5-7pm at my office.  You can get more details and register at:  I still have room for you or a friend or both!

    Welcome Back-   My conversations with lots of Milwaukee area business folks, in the last week, are still leading me to the conclusion that the general business market may be improving in some sectors but overall it still has a way to go before any of us would say “We’re Back”, that being said, a tool like Linkedin may be the difference maker in a tough environment and will really jump start your efforts when we do get rolling again.  So let me remind you to get to that 100 & 100 level and that means profile done 100% and at least 100 connections.  That is the level I am expecting to be at to attend any of my advanced classes this fall titled “Leveraging Your Linkedin Network”.  They are going to be very in-depth and lots of fun.  Hope to see you there.  

 Profile Tips–  

Video is getting to be a big deal and a really effective way to tell your story in a through way.  By posting videos to your profile you can show you really “know what it going on” and there is no way you can be called a “dinosaur” with video on your profile.  The two ways to include video is to either use up one of your website links or to use the Slide Share Application and download a video from You Tube.  There is a bit of a process the first time with a software to download called the “You Tube Downloader”, no charge.  If you can find a strong application for what you do-Go For It!

Connection Tips–  

From time to time you should review your pending invitations which you get to by going to Connections and in the top blue line you will see “# of pending sent invitations” and if you click that it will show you the list of your outstanding invites.  You may want to consider resending an invite to some of the people that may have been out there a long time that you feel would really be good connections, sometimes they don’t answer because they have more than one connection and you sent to the wrong one, other times they just don’t go back and look at old invites.  In order to reinvite you will probably need to make sure you have their email address to verify that you really know them.   If you they don’t have either of these issues and they still haven’t figured out the power of this website and you know they have a great network, the good old fashioned kind, why don’t you either have a Linkedin training session or explain jus what it has done for you and invite them to one of my upcoming sessions.  You can really be a hero to a friend if you give them the push they need.  

Wildcard Tip or Question–  

Are you a Link Addict (L:A)?  According to Chris Mucco’s book “42 Rules for 24 Hour Success on Linkedin” here are a few of the signs (light heartedly), and if this continues it may lead to sleep deprivation, marital problems and possibly generate no revenue.  I hope none of you meet these criteria….believe me I had to think twice about where I am right now.

 -You check Linkedin first thing and last thing of the day                   

-Given a choice of reading a book or spending time alone, you choose Linkedin         

-You check the number of connections more than once a day 

-Your Google searches all relate to Linkedin information         

-You refer to your friends as #1, #2 or #3 connections

-At family events you are asking people if you can connect with them         

-The hair on the back of your neck stands up when people say that Facebook is a business networking site  

Miscellaneous News and Notes–  

Here is my upcoming schedule for teaching/speaking so you can share with friends, relatives and business associates.  Follow link for additional details and registration information.

Wed Jan 27, 2010      Wayne’s Intermediate LinkedIn Power Formula Training
                                   M&M Office Interiors; 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM

Wed Feb 10, 2010    Wayne’s LinkedIn Power Formula Training for Beginners
                                  M&M Office Interiors; 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM

Thurs Feb 18, 2010    Power Formula for Networking Using Social Media
                                   M&M Office Interiors; 7:30-8:30am
                                   Waukesha Chamber of Commerce

Tues Feb 23, 2010      Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Be On LinkedIn
                                    Knights of Columbus, 3200 S. 103rd St.; 1:00-2:30pm
                                    ABLE South
                                    Call UWM School of Continuing Education 414-227-3098

Thurs Feb 25, 2010     Milwaukee JobCamp3
                                    Potawatomi Casino; 9am-6pm


  Congrats to all at the 100 & 100 level—-the rest of you GET MOVIN!  You don’t want your competitior to beat you there do you?  


Wayne C. Breitbarth


M&M Office Interiors, Inc.

W233 N2833 Roundy Circle West

Suite 100

Pewaukee, WI  53072  

office 262-781-2600

cell 414-313-7785